Our first born, inspired by the children's computer game. A nervous fist attempt in the dark of the night. Drawing and enjoying each others company, while constantly looking over our sholders
Tomorrow is our second graffiti. The grafitti was supposed to read "tomorrow is another day", but due to poor rookie calculations we run out of sprays. The deal was to return the day after, finish drawing the graffiti and cut the bush infront of it.That just never happened. It is our only unfinnished graffiti. If you go there today, you'll find a beautiful big bush flourishing.
This is the first larger scale graffiti. We drew mounted on a ladder, using sprays for the fines lines and using paint to fill in larger spaces.
The funny thing is that some teenages totaly missread the graffiti. Thay thought we were saying that jocks shoud be inprisoned, reading "crimes" as cream and interpreting the barbed wire as a symbol for prison. We were totaly taken by surprise, the grafitti read art crimes which is about what we were doing at the time.